Hero's Journey...
So for the last few years, I've been immersing myself in podcasts and learning new things about the world and myself. More recently, I've been gluttonously consuming content from Jordan Peterson both from his YouTube videos and his podcast (and his appearances on a wealth of other podcasts).
Among some uncomfortable home truths, some fascinating cultural and social insights, and just generally an introduction to psychology and philosophy; the journey I've been taking has inexorably fed into how I perceive the business (Stronghold Audio). Until now, I've seen myself and Stronghold as two separate things that both need attention and hard work, but recently I've started to see that the two aren't so mutually exclusive.
Stronghold isn't just a business and a means of making a living, it's the embodiment of my own personality and a vehicle for self-expression. A platform to create the life that I want to live, work on exciting projects, face challenges that lead to growth and learning, and work with like-minded people that share that enthusiasm for, (or more 'obsession with') creation.
Creating order from chaos by bringing life to a piece of music, or a soundscape for a fantasy world. Facing the dragon and seeking the treasure it hoards. Expression through adversity and hard work. That's the point of Stronghold.